Adventures · SAL

Project reveal – My best to date!  

Hello you lovely bunch, how are you all? 

So as you’ll see, I’ve been absent from todays SAL post. So before I go any further, let me direct you to the wonderful projects that are on display today. 

Avis, Claire, Gun, Carole, LucyAnn, Jess, Sue, Constanze, Debbierose, Christina, Kathy, Margaret, Cindy, Helen, Linda, Heidi, Jackie, Sunny, Hayley, Megan, Catherine, Deborah, Connie, Clare, Mary Margaret, Renee, Jenny, Carmela, Jocelyn, Sharon

I wish I could say that Big G has had a bit of an update, but sadly no. She’s been left neglected and lonely. Poor thing. 

In fact, most things have been getting neglected around here. Normal post have been non-existent. SAL and sock posts have been overlooked generally. Things have been generally quiet. I need to apologise for all this, but also let you know that it’s for the greater good.  

I think it probably time to let you in on the project that I’ve been working on for the past 7 months. It’s pretty big and definitely all consuming. Never has a project sapped my physical and mental energy like this one. I’ve been reliably told it’ll be worth it in the end however.. 


Introducing Baby MMDA, due in June 🙂  

The official line is ‘no visible boy bits’ so we’re working on a girl for now. Apart from that, we don’t know a lot about her. We know she’s getting stronger every day, likes George Michael, Meatloaf and Bach, loves it when her Daddy is around but doesn’t like it when her feline brothers sit on her. Apart from that, nothing. We’ll have to wait and see what she’s actually like until she arrives.  

In terms of the pregnancy, I think I’ve had it pretty middle of the road. It could have been worse, it could have been better. Of course, I could give you the list, but doesn’t make for fun reading. I’d love to tell you that I’ve been really busy getting a nursery put together or going to Hypnobirthing classes, but I can’t. I’ve mostly been sleeping. My routine has been work, sleep, eat, sleep and repeat for the longest time. Great for ignoring morning sickness, not so great for getting stuff done.  


The Wriggler (our affectionate bump name) has also taken over my brain somewhat – in the way that babies apparently do – which has resulted in a severe loss of crafting mojo. I’ve just not been able to switch my brain on to it. I’ve even started projects that I think that my brain will be able to cope with, but unfortunately, it’s just returned to its sleep mode state. I had all these grand ideas about taking up dressmaking again and making myself some lovely maternity clothes, then morning sickness hit and I realised I’d been silly to even think about it. It feels like I’ve only woken the craft section of my brain up within the last month. I’ve started knitting a baby cocoon (with a hugely simplified pattern obviously) but it’s not even for The Wriggler! In a strange twist of events, Sister In Law is about 7 weeks ahead of us, any day now in fact! Absolutely wonderful news, but it does mean I need to finish that first before I start Wriggler stuff. I’ll try to post some updates if I can. 

Now comes for the sad annoucement. I’ve decided to take a break from the SAL updates until The Wriggler arrives. One of the more annoying symptoms has been Carpal Tunnel, which has got steadily worse as the weeks go by. Himself has been feeling like a hero when he can open my toothpaste tube, deodorant, tricky door handles etc when I can’t. Not all heroes wear capes.. Anyway, I’m still managing to knit for now, but I’ve tried to keep stitching but it’s now becoming too painful to grip something so tiny. I keep dropping the needle, I can’t see it behind the bump, I can’t pick it up with my numb fingers.. It’s all a bit of a mess. I’ve been reliably informed that this goes away once baby arrives, so I’m hoping to re-join in the summer. Maternity leave is just crafting leave under a different name right? Huge thanks to Avis who not only has kept my secret for the past couple of days, but has very kindly sent me some exercises which should hopefully ease things at bit! Thanks ever so much Avis! 

I’m so very sad not to be joining in, but of course I’ll still be watching from the background. I’m of course praying for a sleepy baby, but if you see incoherent comments in the middle of the night you’ll know why. Hopefully work should be slowing down soon, with only 8 weeks left before I stop, so hopefully I can post further updates about projects and The Wriggler. I’ll of course let you know when she arrives home safe, but maybe won’t go as far as live reporting on the matter.. Gruesome soggy end photos kept to a minimum etc.  

Thanks and advance thanks for all the support I know I’ll receive from you lovely bunch of humans. My body feels ready, but my mind still had moments of panic and dread. As always, any advice will be gratefully received as we are, for the most part, clueless. Despite the cluelessness, panic, Carpal Tunnel and general disruption, we’re so overjoyed to be adding to our little family. We just can’t wait to meet her. Even without a proper introduction, I know I’ll never love anything as much.  


I’ll leave it here for now, but much love from Himself, The Wriggler and me.  



13 thoughts on “Project reveal – My best to date!  

  1. Congratulations on the baby bump with an eclectic taste in music! I am afraid I would be of little use with the advice as I don’t have children. As a teacher I would say preparation and then when it all goes out the window just go with the flow – and a pint of beer always goes down well!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. OH congrats to you both! Very exciting news! As for advice…moms are a wealth of info, especially in the first weeks when you are exhausted AND clueless. They are a great resource! Enjoy every stage, and don’t wish they would stay small or grow, make it your favorite at that time! Best wishes for a safe and easy delivery!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Congratulations on the wriggler. Advice- throw out all baby books and rely on instinct. We are pre-programmed to parent. But if someone offers to cook or clean for you say YES. Enjoy the ride.


  4. exciting times ahead!!! Plenty of rest while you can and then just try and be laid back about what’s to come. I’m sure you and the husband will take to parenthood like ducks to water. And hope you’ll be keeping us updated when The Wriggler arrives!


  5. Oh how exciting! You have the perfect excuse not to be stitching (or doing much of anything else). Growing a human is hard work and it doesn’t stop with the birth process. Best wishes to the whole family. Try to enjoy every moment. 🙂


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